Fani Karatzou Language Schools Larissa |
Grèce |
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"L'art, c'est la musique"
Beethoven was a composer, Picasso is an artist and drew Mona Lisa,
Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter too. Wolfang Amadeus Mozart was a composer and he loved music and learned to play the violin very well. |
"L'art est une chose merveilleuse"
Art is a wonderful thing. There are many kinds of art.
Art is many things : music, painting, hair styling, fashion and other.
Popular painters were Leonardo Da Vinci, Piccasso, Michael Angel and others.
The most famous painting is the "Mona Lisa" of Leonardo Da Vinci. |
"Des artistes célèbres"
Some people study art at the University. The art includes music, painting, acting etc. Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci were famous painters. Leonardo Da vinci painted "Mona Lisa". Mozart, Beethoven e.c.t. were famous composers. Tom Cruise, Marilyn Monroe e.c.t. were famous actors and actresses. |
"L'art est une belle chose"
There are many kinds of Art: Music, painting, acting and else.
I love painting and I want to be an artist like Picaso.
I want to paint many pictures and I want to be the biggest artist in the world.
I like Music too but I must study many years and I must have a good voice.
Art is a beautiful thing. |
"L'art est la plus importante création humaine culturelle"
What life would be like without art? It would be a miserable life without meaning.
Art is the most important cultural creation of human beings.
The history of art is a big part of the history of humanity.
Firstly, art offers a great sensible pleasure. |